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About Krishi Vigyan , Sandas kala, Burhanpur

Krishi Vigyan (KVK) Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh was established in the year 2007, by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, Government of India. with the aim of faster transfer of technology by developing Research Institutions / Agricultural Universities so that farmers can adopt the technologies to increased production and productivity of district major crops in sustainable manner and also enhance income from allied agricultural sectors. The prime objective Krishi Vigyan (KVK) Burhanpur is to train Farmers of District by line knowledge and research with the process where farmer investigates, measures and studies.KVK also conducting programmes like Farm testing in Crops Production, Horticulture, Livestock Protection, Plant Protection, Home Science, etc. The Krishi Vigyan (KVK) Burhanpur, Agriculture Education Center to provide Education Opportunities to the tribal rural young boys & girls to get employment opportunities they conduct courses like, Foundation in Agriculture / Undergraduate Diploma in Agro Journalism / Diploma in Agriculture Business Management / Diploma in Horticulture / Diploma In Soil & Water Testing / Diploma in Fertilizer and Drugs, and other Training, Demonstration to the Students.

Hamid Kazi

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Our Services

Digital Agricultural Information Board : KVK Burhanpur has prepared Digital information Board for easy access to show KVK initiatives undertaken by KVK Burhanpur in KVK Juridictioin

Participation in the upcomming training : Participation in the Trainings arranged by the KVK, Interested farmers may register

Participation in Agriculture Extension Programme : Organisation of different training programme under extension activity such as Kisan melas, study tours,

Interact with the scientists : Interact with the scientists at the Krishi Vigyan & get consultancy

Front Line Demonstration and OFTs : Farmers can have demonstrations & trials on their fields that kvk arrange every year.

Agro-Advisory : Get information on Weather so as to predict the disease outbreak in crops

Exposure Visits : Farmers on study tour to see our farm & demonstration units on KVK Farm

Swamini Sale Counter : Farmers can buy from the farmer's service center inputs on No Loss No Profit basis.

Soil Testing Lab. : Farmers can get their soil & water samples tested for all eight parameters or parameters of their