• www.kvkburhanpur.org Kvkburhanpur@rediffmail.com
  • 6265002626 9453721026

1. Administrative Building

The Krishi Vigyan has very well developed administrative building having classrooms, Conference Hall, Amphie theatre, soil & water analysis laboratory, & an agriculture technology information center (ATIC).





2. ATIC (Agriculture Technology Information Center)

It is nothing but one stop shop of agriculture where the farmer gets the technology & the inputs together. Through this center we sale:

  • Biofertilizers Azotobacter, phosphate solublising bacteria, Decomposing culture etc.
  • Biopesticides such as HNPV
  • Biofungicides such as Trichoderma, paceliomyces
  • Other agents of biological control of pests such as trichocards, lady bird beetels
  • Seed of latest varieties of cereals, pulses & oilseeds
  • Vermicompost & earthworms





4. Bio-Pesticide Lab.

Krishi Vigyan has established a Bio-Pesticides Lab at KVK Farm to provide good quality products at right time for demonstration purpose. The Lab. is making 6 products that are Metarizium, Sudomonous, Tricoderma, Rizobkum, Azatobactor,P.S.B. etc





5. Farm

The Krishi Vigyan possesses 54 acres of land that are not fully under cultivation of crops. The main purpose of the farm is to demonstrate the latest agricultural practices. It also acts as a tool to do applied research on agricultural Technologies & undertake trials before their transfer to farmers. After a careful planning and analysis soil types, the farm was divided in to three major blocks of Horticulture, Agronomy and Nursery unit. This was followed by planting mother plants of horticulture crops such as Guava, Anola, custard apple, pomegranate etc that are mainly grown in the district. The plantation was completed in 1998 and later. Similarly, agronomical crops grown are soybean and Mung (Greengram) Blackgram, redgram, Chickpea, Saffower and wheat etc. Now some area of farm is operated on drip irrigation system. The farm has somee collection of mother plants of latest released varieties of horticulture plants.

6. Green House

Recently the Krishi Vigyan has constructed green house over 0.05ha area of naturally ventilated type to undertake floriculture( gerbera cultivation) Recently the Krishi Vigyan has constructed two shade houses






7. Soil & Water Testing Laboratory

This well equipped laboratory analyses soil & water samples at reasonable rates of RS 100/- per sample. The laboratory is supported with computer software for more precise interpretation of results. Every soil sample is analysed for eight parameters such as pH, Electric Conductivity, Organic carbon, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, & available Potassium, Exchangeable sodium, Calcium & magnesium content.

8. Farmer's Library

The Krishi Vigyan has wide collection of books on all the fields of agriculture. All these books are available to farmers for reference free of cost.


9. Plant Health Clinic

In collaboration with the Government of Maharashtra this Krishi Vigyan is going to establish a plant health clinic that will provide farm consultancy services of all types to farmers. Farmers may visit us with their queries or write to us for the guidance. Diagnostic visits are also arranged to farmer's fields in case the problem needs further in field investigations.





10. Agriculture Market Information Center

This center provides online services & detailed information on market rates for all agricultural commodities through out the state of Maharashtra to farmers. The center has wireless internet facility which enables it 24 hours connectivity at faster speed. The farmers can also access various websites on agriculture on paying nominal charges.

11. Farm Implements Museum

The Krishi Vigyan has several farm implements tractor drawn as well as bullock drawn in its museum Farmers can get detail information about them at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra. The subsoiler is also provided to farmers on hire basis for deep ploughing the saline soils as one of the treatment of reclaimation once in three years.

12. Vermicompost Unit

This demonstrates the conversion of farm waste into enriched compost. Two different species of worms are reared so that the culture can be made available to farmers. The annual capacity of the unit is 18 tons.

13. Fishery Department's Infrastures:

Fishery sector plays strategic role in Maharashtra economy in terms of contribution towards export, food security, nutritional challenges and employment generation in the costal & inland areas, reservoir, irrigation tanks & farm ponds etc. The Burhanpur district is endowed with a good number of small water tanks & farm ponds for the development of inland fisheries. The length of river is 315 Km.

Fishery potential of Burhanpur district is as under

Item WSA (Ha) Productivity (M.T/Ha) Potential (MT/Ha) Present production (MT) Balance potential (MT)
Ponds & Tanks 4718 3.0 14154 3051 11103
Reservoirs 1002 0.1 100 600 0
Total 5720 - 14254 3651 10157

As per the above table total area of 5720 ha. is available in the form of village farm Ponds & Tank, surface water area, reservoir etc. for fisheries development in the district of which an area of 4718 ha has been brought under fishery. Fish culture could become a source of rural employment. Therefore, Fisheries department of KVK has developed the Chinese Circular Hatchery for carp seed production, Magur hatchery for Magur seed production, Integrated Fish-cum-Duck farming unit, Ornamental fish unit and Fish feed mill for feed production at KVK campus and regularly arrange training programmes and exposures to farming community of this area.

14. "Swaranant" Community Radio Station

KVK , Sandas kala (Burhanpur) has established in June, 2009. The frequency of this station is 90.4 Mhz. It broadcasts different community programmes in this area. The broadcasting timings are in morning 6.00 am to 10.00 am and the same programmes rebroadcasts in evening 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Advertisements can be accepted and broadcasted @ the DAVP rates through this station.

15. Rest House

Suvide Foundation has constructed a Rest House in the KVK Farm from its own fund for comfortable stay of guests while their visit. It Having two (attached wc)bed rooms, dining Hall, Kitchen and beautiful lawns. There is good view of minor irrigation tank in front of the Rest House which increases beauty of Rest House.

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