• www.kvkburhanpur.org Kvkburhanpur@rediffmail.com
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Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) :

Every year Krishi Vigyan conducts several Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) on farmers fields on technologies released by research institutes, universities. These are mainly related to latest released varieties, methods to control pest & diseases, technologies to increase yields, agri implements to reduce drudgery of women, technologies to reduce cost of production etc.

Action Plan of Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) for the year 2013-14 :

Front Line Demonstration - Technology Demonstration on Pulses and Oilseed for the year 2013-14

S.N. Crop Season Technology to be demonstrated No. of Beneficiaries Area (Ha.)
1 Green gram Kharif 2013 Varietal demo. of AKM 8802/AKM-4+ICM 30 12
2 Black gram Kharif 2013 Varietal demo. of TAU-1+ICM 30 12
3 Pigeon pea Kharif 2013 Varietal demo. of BSMR 736+ICM 30 12
4 Chick pea Rabi 2013 Varietal demo. of JAKI 9218+ICM 30 12
- Total (A) - - 120 48
1 Soybean Kharif 2013 INM 10 04
- Total (B) - - 10 04
- Grand Total - - 130 52

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