The primary data was collected from village through group discussion the cooperation from resource poor recourses rich farmers and land less labour was obtained due consideration was also given to the participation of women no. of the villages details field visit were also carried out to under stand feed problem and secondary data were collected from various Govt. agency and department. Strategic Research and Extension Plan of the Burhanpur district also referred as source book. Productivity and growth rate of Animal Husbandry: The present live stock population of the district is 5.70 lacs of which cow and bullock are 3.88 lac he buffalos and he buffalos 0.73 lac sheep 1353, goat 1.5 and poultry 1.51.
There is a continuous reduction in the population of local cow in the district the main reason for this reduction is depletion of grazing land due to the conversion of grazing and uncultivatable land to cultivated area for food production and other region are ban free grazing forest area poor milk yield potential of the cow farmer preference to raise the stock for draught purpose, of reduction of fodder crop like Jowar due to the cultivation of cash crop.
The average per animal milk yield is higher compared to local breed. The adoption of cross breed cows can be attributed to government policy on breeding to artificial insemination. Despite high production potential, the no. of cross breed cows can not increase rapidly due to lack of proper knowledge and skills regarding rearing and management practices and fetching low prices in the market compared to buffalo milk.
Krishi Vigyan , Sandas kala, Burhanpur Due to introduction of private dairy enterprises in an around district headquarters the buffalo population is increased.
Mehsana is a dairy breed of buffalo found in Mehsana, Sabarkanda and Banaskanta districts in Gujarat and adjoining Maharashtra state.
The breed is evolved out of crossbreeding between the Surti and the Murrah.
Body is longer than Murrah but limbs are lighter.
The horns are less curved than in Murrah and are irregular.
Bullocks are good for heavy work.
The milk yield is 1200-1500 kgs per lactation.
Goats are primarily reared for meat purpose and its number has steadily increased. The small & medium farmers rear goats as a sustainable income generating enterprise.
Breeds Suitable for Goat Farming in Maharashtra: Osmanabadi goat breed, Beetal goat breed, Sojat goat breed, Jamunapari goat breed, Barbari goat breed, Jakhrana goat breed, Boer Goat breed, Damascus goat breed.
Krishi Vigyan , Sandas kala, Burhanpur There is fluctuating population of poultry birds in the Burhanpur district. No layer existing but one broiler farm is run by co operative society Risod and other broiler farm was run by private owner. Capacity of this farm is 23000 broiler bird (121500kg) per year i.e. produce 330 bird per day.
Thematic area under veterinary discipline livestock production and management,dairy management, poultry management, piggery management, disease management, feed management,